56% Growth
in Google Leads

22% Conv
Rate on Facebook

Ranking on
1,000+ Keywords

About The Client

Weebly simplifies the process of website creation, allowing users to bring their ideas to life without the need for extensive technical knowledge. Whether you're a small business owner, an aspiring blogger, or an artist showcasing your portfolio, Weebly provides the platform and support to help you succeed.

Project Objective

Weebly was running paid ads on social media and Google but they weren’t able to target qualified leads. Their ads were displayed on all corners and channels but the audience they were generating wasn’t ready to buy. They wanted to improve their targeting to attract traffic that was ready to purchase their service. Their target audience was small businesses hence, PPC ads had to be optimized.



Advertyzed improved Weebly’s target audience and segmented ads based on unique campaigns. One was tailored for small businesses including handymen jobs and others were targeted to growing fashion brands. The final segment catered to business owners looking to switch from their existing low-code web development services that were heavy on the pocket.

The Results

We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. In the first month, we increased ROI by 2x and in the coming 4 months we maintained this streak. Fast forward to a year and we achieved an average growth of,

56% Growth
in Google Leads

22% Conv
Rate on Facebook

4 Million+ Video Views

Ranking on
1,000+ Keywords


Font and Color Palette

Color Palette




Font Typography




Headings And Subheadings


Headings And Subheadings


Body Text


Body Text

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